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Railways -
on ground solutions

Passenger information requires dedicated systems when it concernes public transport.







On ground solutions

Railways, bus stops or underground stations – compared with more controlled environments such as airports or trade centres – need properly designed display systems and instruments conceived for such places.

As displays are usually exposed to weather conditions, mechanical pollution (e.g. metal powders belonging to the train braking systems) and criminal damage, we take a special look to their design.

Moreover, illumination is our concerne: extremely bright environments, exposed to direct sunlight or to changing light exposure throughout the day, requires custom solutions, managing contrast and brightness as well as keeping light emission and consumption under control.

Solari provides turn-key solutions for passenger information systems thanks to its vast array of services from consulting to design, from hardware supply to control software production, from installation to maintenance.



Public Information Displays

Public Information Displays

Summary Information Display

Platform Display

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